Waxing vs. Laser

There’s nothing like soft, freshly smooth legs. When we think of how much time and money is wasted on shaving, we cringe. And while we’ve thrown our razors out the window, we’re still wondering why waxing is the go-to method for hair removal.

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Considering Waxing? What You Need To Know

Time Consuming.

Time Consuming.
You’ll need to squeeze 10 or more appointments a year into your busy schedule. That’s about 8 hours of your life every year just getting waxes!

Temporary Results

Temporary Results.
No matter how many times you wax, you’ll only ever get temporarily smooth skin. The hair will always grow back.

Waxing is painful

It’s Painful.
Ripping your unwanted hair out by the root with hot wax hurts! Some people may tolerate it better than others, but it’s never a ‘comfortable’ experience.

Money Honey

Money Honey.
The cost of a monthly wax for the rest of your life will add up to an unfathomable expense without the satisfaction of any permanent results.

How Laser Hair Removal Works

Laser Hair Removal Process - Step One
Lasers target hair at the root.
Laser Hair Removal Process - Step Two
The root is destroyed so hair
never grows back.
Laser Hair Removal Process - Step Three
Hair is gone forever.

Comparing Waxing to Laser Hair Removal

Waxing and laser hair removal both work on all skin tones, but that’s pretty much the only thing these hair removal methods have in common.

  • Comfort. When compared to waxing – laser hair removal is a significantly less painful way of removing body hair.
  • Results. You’ll get permanent results from laser hair removal treatments rather than the temporarily hair-free skin that waxing provides.
  • Time. With laser hair removal, the average person is up to 95% hair-free in 7 to 10 treatments. Waxing requires 10 or more appointments every year to maintain your results.
  • Cost. With laser hair removal, you’ll get permanent results without every worrying about tipping or touch-up fees. A monthly payment for laser hair removal costs less than a monthly appointment for waxing… a lifetime of leg waxing alone can cost over $15,000.

Schedule your free consultation to learn more about laser hair removal today!

The Unlimited Package™

Exclusive to Milan Laser, the Unlimited Package™ is the only laser hair removal package that includes unlimited sessions of laser hair removal on an area for one affordable price. The average person needs 7 to 10 sessions, and packages are typically sold in 6 or 9. Too few, or not enough? Not with the Unlimited Package at Milan.

No surprise costs, and no running out of sessions before you’re completely smooth!

Don’t forget to check out our specials page or sign up for our newsletter for amazing deals!

Exclusively at Milan Laser The Unlimited Package Lifetime Guarantee No Surprise Costs

100% Guaranteed Credit Approval!

At Milan, we believe everyone deserves to get smooth, hair-free skin at a price they can afford. That’s why we offer everyone affordable payment plans!

  • 100% Credit Approval.
  • Payments as low as $45/month.
  • The Unlimited Package, with a lifetime guarantee.

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