Medically Recommended

Laser Hair Removal

Many medical professionals recommend laser hair removal as a permanent solution to unwanted hair for individuals who:

  • Have experienced an amputation.
  • Regularly develop folliculitis.
  • Have had pilonidal cysts.
  • Struggle with hidradenitis suppurativa.

Get permanent results with laser hair removal.

On average, Milan Laser clients are up to 95% hair-free in 7 to 10 treatments.

Laser Hair Removal
for Amputees

The benefits of laser hair removal for amputees go beyond simply removing unwanted hair and have proven to help improve the quality of everyday life. For more than a decade, laser hair removal has been used to improve skin conditions that are common for amputees.

Many individuals who have experienced an amputation struggle with infections, abscesses, itching, and pain at the joint interface of their prosthetic. Unlike shaving or waxing, laser hair removal doesn’t damage the skin—eliminating the risk of ingrown hairs, razor bumps, or other skin conditions that would make wearing a prosthetic very uncomfortable.

In fact, amputees who have laser hair removal tend to experience less itching, pain, irritation, pulling of hair, and surprisingly sweating in the treated area. While a reduction in sweating is an unexpected benefit of laser hair removal treatments it does help reduce prosthetic slippage which can improve performance in recreational activities, work, and exercise.

Have unanswered questions about how laser hair removal can help manage skin issues related to your amputation? Our friendly, knowledgeable staff are happy to answer any questions you may have. Find out if laser hair removal is right for you at your free consultation.

Why Laser Hair Removal is
Ideal for Folliculitis

Folliculitis—more commonly known as Barber’s itch, razor bumps, hot tub rash, or shaving rash—occurs when the root of your unwanted hair becomes infected. While folliculitis can happen to anyone, two things that increase your risk for developing the embarrassing and often painful red bumps, boils & blisters associated with this common condition are shaving and waxing.

That’s because in the process of removing your unwanted hair these methods damage and irritate your skin. Avoiding your razor or that molten wax may help keep those unsightly pimples and angry red bumps away for a little while, but then you’re just hairy and those ingrown hairs still show up eventually. Even using expensive antibacterial soaps, special creams, and avoiding tight clothing can only do so much because they only treat the symptoms of folliculitis instead of the cause.

With laser hair removal, the underlying cause of folliculitis—your unwanted hair—is gone for good, so there’s no need to worry about unflattering stubble, red bumps, or pimples ruining your smooth, hair-free skin. Learn more about why laser hair removal is your best solution for preventing folliculitis.

Preventing Pilonidal Cysts
With Laser Hair Removal

Hair, particularly excessive hair, in the gluteal cleft near the tailbone plays a critical role in forming the painful boils and abscesses known as pilonidal cysts or Pilonidal Disease. The exact cause of pilonidal disease isn’t known, but most medical professionals agree that loose hair penetrating the skin is what appears to cause the cysts to develop. This loose hair is often forced down into the skin from the friction and pressure exerted by things like bicycling, wearing tight clothing, sitting for long periods, skin rubbing against skin, or other similar factors.

Pilonidal cysts that don’t heal on their own usually require surgery to drain and excise the infected area. However, even with surgical intervention, if the hair in the area is not removed the chances of more cysts developing in the future are relatively high. That’s why many medical professionals recommend laser hair removal treatments as a way to safely and effectively decrease your risk for a pilonidal cyst recurrence.

For a lot of men and women who suffer from these painful cysts, shaving isn’t enough to manage the unwanted hair that forms these boils. The permanent results that you get with laser hair removal make it your best option for preventing pilonidal cysts because the hair is gone for good!

Take the first step in preventing pilonidal cysts by scheduling your free consultation today!

Best Hair Removal Option
for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Depending on your symptoms and the stage of your hidradenitis suppurativa, your physician may recommend laser hair removal as part of your hidradenitis suppurativa treatment plan. Laser hair removal has proven to be an ideal treatment for those with moderate and localized hidradenitis suppurativa.

However, while not everyone’s hidradenitis suppurativa symptoms will improve with laser hair removal, most Most medical professionals agree that laser hair removal is the safest method of hair removal for hidradenitis suppurativa sufferers. Traditional hair removal methods like shaving and waxing carry inherent risks for anyone struggling with hidradenitis suppurativa.

  • Waxing. Applying molten wax to your skin may inflame your symptoms and cause further irritation. It can also put you at a greater risk for infection if the entire hair isn’t removed when the strip rips off of your skin. May damage your skin inflaming your symptoms, causing further irritation and increasing your risk for infections..
  • Shaving. While safer than waxing, shaving is also risky. A simple nick from your razor—who hasn’t had one of those—can create new lesions or infections. Additionally, the damage the razor does to your skin may lead to a consistent flare-ups.
  • Laser Hair Removal. Unlike outdated hair removal methods, it removes unwanted hair at the root without damaging the surface of the skin. Allowing you to get rid of your unwanted hair without the risk of flare-ups, new lesions, or infections.

For individuals who struggle with hidradenitis suppurativa, laser hair removal is the safest and most effective way to say goodbye to unwanted hair. PERMANENTLY.

Schedule a free consultation today to find out if laser hair removal is right for you.

Why Laser Hair Removal is
Ideal for PCOS

The hormone fluctuations commonly associated with PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome cause hair follicles to become “active”. This side effect of PCOS is what causes unwanted hair to grow.

While there is no cure for polycystic ovarian syndrome, it’s important to manage your symptoms to lower your risk for long-term health problems like heart disease or fertility issues. Since each case of PCOS is unique, it’s important to work closely with your physician to develop a plan to minimize the effects it can have on your health. Many physicians will include laser hair removal as part of your plan to manage your PCOS symptoms.

That’s because laser hair removal permanently removes the unwanted hair by eliminating it at the root so that it can never grow back. Managing the unwanted hair associated with PCOS by shaving, waxing, or plucking only yields temporary results, and electrolysis is extremely painful and time consuming.

Learn more about why laser hair removal is your best solution for managing PCOS hair growth.

Benefits of the Unlimited Package

The Unlimited Package with Lifetime Guarantee

Body hair plays a major factor in causing a variety of skin issues like folliculitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, and pilonidal cysts. While most people are up to 95% hair-free in 7 to 10 treatments, our exclusive Unlimited Package™ (included, at no additional cost, with every area!) gives you unlimited treatments for life.

So, for one affordable price you get all of the sessions you’ll ever need to be hair free. FOR LIFE! That means if a stray or new hair shows up 6 months, or even 10 years down the road… we’ll take care of it permanently for you. No questions asked. No touch-up fees, EVER.

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